How to choose an effective sleeping pill

Do you have such questions and do not know the answer? We understand you, because insomnia is not a rare and widespread phenomenon, regardless of gender or age. Together we will try to find the answers and the perfect sleeping pills that will help absolutely everyone and will work in all cases of insomnia. When insomnia sets in , you think of the easiest and quickest remedy is to take a sleeping pill that will work, seemingly for sure.

There are a lot of pills on the market, but are all of them equally effective and harmless? After all, in addition to over-the-counter drugs, it is necessary to have a prescription of your doctor for some pills. Choosing a good sleeping pill is as difficult as the best loss weight pill. Depending on the mechanism and degree of impact on the body, sleeping pills are divided into the following types: sedatives, anti-allergy drugs, first, second and third generation sleeping pills.


Synthetic analogs of the hormone melatonin may be effective for treating sleep disorders, such as in children with autism, mental retardation, and blind people. Melatonin is also prescribed after discontinuation of benzodiazepine-type sleeping pills.

Normally, melatonin administration must be prescribed by a doctor, but when changing time zones, the drug can be used without a specialist’s prescription. The difference in time, more than four hours, is accompanied by disturbances in the phase of falling asleep or awakening. And this is exactly the case when melatonin can be taken on its own. Another thing is that there are different treatment regimens depending on the direction of travel (moving west or east) and they are not described in the instructions for use of the drug. If you want to use melatonin competently, you will still have to consult a doctor.

Most studies show that melatonin helps with some of the effects of rapid jet lag, but does not reduce the time it takes to fall asleep. Sometimes taking the drug may cause some side effects (headache, drowsiness, irritability).


Medications that are used to treat depression are also prescribed for people with insomnia. This is usually the case if insomnia is caused by a depressive disorder, a common cause of sleep disturbance. Taking sleeping pills in this situation means treating the consequence, not the cause. However, sometimes low doses of antidepressants with a sedative effect are prescribed to treat primary insomnia. For example, in the USA, the use of low doses of doxepin is approved. This drug is most effective for problems with sleep maintenance.

The effect of therapy is not felt immediately, but after two to four weeks of regular antidepressant treatment. It is important that the treatment take place under the supervision of a doctor. Taking these drugs can cause daytime drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, in addition, they interact with other medications.

Iron preparations

Another common cause of insomnia is iron deficiency. Against the background of a decrease in iron, dopamine production is disturbed, this substance provides relaxation and plasticity of the muscles. If it is deficient, spontaneous spastic contractions occur, especially in the leg muscles. During the night, the number of such contractions can exceed several dozens, and even hundreds. As a result, the person can’t fall asleep for a long time, and the causes can’t be guessed. After investigation, the patient is prescribed iron supplements to eliminate sleep problems. So if you want to choose popular sleep aids, first you need to understand the causes of the disorders.